Connect Four

import java.util.*;

public class fourClass {

static int ROWS = 6;
static int COLUMNS = 7;

public static void main(String args[]) {
// Array
String[][] fourGrid = new String[ROWS][COLUMNS];

// Console
Scanner console    = new Scanner (;

// winner?
boolean noWinner = true;

printHeader ();

// Initialize the Board to 'O'

for (int i = 0; i < fourGrid.length; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < fourGrid[i].length; j++) {
fourGrid[i][j] = "O";

printBoard (fourGrid); System.out.println();

while (noWinner) {
if (!isBoardFull(fourGrid)) {
System.out.print ("Player 1 (Red) Turn> ");
String turn = console.nextLine();
playGame (fourGrid, turn, "R");
} else {
System.out.println("Tie game, you both lose");


if (!isBoardFull(fourGrid)) {
System.out.print ("Player 2 (BLACK) Turn> ");
String turn = console.nextLine();
playGame (fourGrid, turn, "B");
} else {
System.out.println("Tie game, you both lose");


* playGame - main part of game used by both Red & Black
* parameters: 2D String array, the input from console, whose turn it is
* return: void
public static void playGame (String [][] fourGrid, String turn, String coin) {

if (containsComma(turn)) {

String[] turnSplit = turn.split(",");

if (isInteger(turnSplit[0]) && isInteger(turnSplit[1])) {
int row = Integer.parseInt (turnSplit[0]);
int column = Integer.parseInt (turnSplit[1]);

System.out.println ("This is like coding:  grid[" + row + "][" + column + "] = \"" + coin + "\";");

if ((verifyValid (row, column) == true) &&
(verifyBottom(fourGrid, row, column) == true) &&
(verifyEmpty(fourGrid, row, column) == true)) {

updateGrid(fourGrid, row, column, coin);

if ((checkColumn (fourGrid, row, column, coin) == true) ||
(checkRow (fourGrid, row, column, coin) == true) ||
(checkBackwardsDiagonal (fourGrid, row, column, coin) == true) ||
(checkForwardDiagonal (fourGrid, row, column, coin) == true)) {
System.out.println (coin + " wins but James is still World Champion");
} else {
System.out.println ("INVALID CHOICE.  LOSS OF TURN");
} else {
System.out.println ("INVALID CHOICE.  LOSS OF TURN");
} else {
System.out.println ("INVALID CHOICE.  LOSS OF TURN");


* printHeader - print some instructions
* parameters: void
* return: void
public static void printHeader () {
System.out.println("Welcome to James Connect Four game");
System.out.println("(true gamers just call it 'four')");
System.out.println("To play, type in the array element on where you want to play your coin:");
System.out.println("Use the format 2,3 to correspond with [2][3]");
System.out.println("If you mess up, you lose a turn!");
System.out.println("Good luck, but remember, I'm still the World Champion");


* printBoard - print the whole board
* parameters: 2D String array
* return: void
* Go through the grid and print the element and a space after
public static void printBoard (String[][] grid) {
for (int i = 0; i < grid.length; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < grid[i].length; j++) {
System.out.print (grid[i][j] + " ");


* isBoardFull - make sure there isn't a tie
* parameters: 2D String array
* return: true/false
* Go through the grid and make sure there is a "O"
public static boolean isBoardFull (String[][] grid) {
for (int i = 0; i < grid.length; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < grid[i].length; j++) {
if (grid[i][j].equals("O")) {
return false;

return true;

* verifyValid - make sure row & column is in range
* parameters: row element, column element
* return: true/false
* Go through the grid and make sure there is a "O"
public static boolean verifyValid (int rows, int columns) {
if ((rows >= ROWS) || (columns >= COLUMNS) || (rows < 0) || (columns < 0)) {
return false;

return true;

* updateGrid - valid play, now update the 2D array
* parameters: 2D String array, row position, column position, color of coin
* return: void
public static void updateGrid (String[][] grid, int row, int column, String coin) {

grid[row][column] = coin;

* verifyBottom - checks to see if there is a coin underneath the position they are
*                playing
* parameters: 2D String array, row position, column position
* return: void
public static boolean verifyBottom (String[][] grid, int row, int column) {

if (row == 5) {
return true;
} else {
while (row != 5) {

if (grid[row][column].equals("O")) {
return false;

return true;

* verifyEmpty - checks to see if someone already played a coin there
* parameters: 2D String array, row position, column position
* return: true/false
public static boolean verifyEmpty (String[][] grid, int row, int column) {

if (!grid[row][column].equals("O")) {
return false;

return true;

* checkRow - checks to see if there is 4 in a row left to right
* parameters: 2D String array, row position, column position, color of coin
* return: true/false
public static boolean checkRow (String[][] grid, int row, int column, String coin) {

int count = 0;
int original_position = row;

// go down
while ((row < ROWS) && grid[row][column].equals(coin)) {

//go up.  we already got the original so decrement

row = original_position - 1;

while ((row >= 0) && grid[row][column].equals(coin)) {

if (count == 4) {
return true;

return false;

* checkColumn - checks to see if there is 4 in a row up/down
* parameters: 2D String array, row position, column position, color of coin
* return: true/false
public static boolean checkColumn (String[][] grid, int row, int column, String coin) {
int count = 0;
int original_position = column;

// go down
while ((column < COLUMNS) && grid[row][column].equals(coin)) {

column = original_position - 1;

while ((column >= 0 && grid[row][column].equals(coin) )) {

if (count == 4) {
return true;

return false;

* checkBackwardsDiagonal - checks to see if there is 4 in a row diagonally
* parameters: 2D String array, row position, column position, color of coin
* return: true/false
*  x  0  0
*  0  x  0
*  0  0  x
public static boolean checkBackwardsDiagonal (String[][] grid, int row, int column, String coin) {
int count = 0;
int original_row_position = row;
int original_column_position = column;

while ((column < COLUMNS) && (row < ROWS) && grid[row][column].equals(coin)) {

row = original_row_position - 1;
column = original_column_position - 1;

while ((column >= 0) && (row >= 0) && (grid[row][column].equals(coin))) {

if (count == 4) {
return true;

return false;

* checkForwardDiagonal - checks to see if there is 4 in a row diagonally
* parameters: 2D String array, row position, column position, color of coin
* return: true/false
*  0  0  x
*  0  x  0
*  x  0  0
public static boolean checkForwardDiagonal (String[][] grid, int row, int column, String coin) {
int count = 0;
int original_row_position = row;
int original_column_position = column;

while ((column < COLUMNS) && (row >= 0) && grid[row][column].equals(coin)) {

row = original_row_position + 1;
column = original_column_position - 1;

while ((column >= 0) && (row < ROWS) && (grid[row][column].equals(coin))) {

if (count == 4) {
return true;

return false;

* isInteger - See if the string is valid number
* parameters: String (an element, example: "1")
* return: true/false
public static boolean isInteger (String input) {

// always the first
if (!input.equals(null)) {
char ch = input.charAt(0);

if (!Character.isDigit(ch)) {
return false;
} else {
return false;

return true;

* containsComma - See if the string has ,
* parameters: String (ex. "1,2")
* return: true/false
public static boolean containsComma (String input) {
for (int i = 0; i < input.length(); i++) {
char ch = input.charAt(i);

if (ch == ',') {
return true; // found comma

return (false);

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